Monday, July 21, 2008

Steak and the Lone Star State

Greetings from Tejas!

Yesterday was really intense. We woke up at 4:40 so we could start riding at twilight (we ride while it is still partially dark but don't worry we have blinky lights). Anyways, I rode about 10 miles by myself because we woke up so early and I needed the first ten miles to wake up! About 2 hours after riding the wind started to pick up, as did the sun. It may have been one of the hardest days of the trip. Sarah, Oliver, Amol and I did a pace line (where you draft off of each other so you don't feel the wind) for at least 40 miles. We were dying trying to keep at around 10 miles an hour (which is pretty slow for us!). Oh, and did I mention that we were doing a century as well? I started to fade around 65, but luckily we had a second lunch at Dairy Queen, so I felt better after that.

So in sum, Texas is big, hot, and windy!

But perhaps more exciting, last night we went to The Big Texan, a famous steak house that offers a free 72 oz. steak to anyone who can eat that a potato, bread, salad and appetizer in all UNDER ONE HOUR! We cheered on Jorge, a native Texan of the group, who attempted to do so. It was really fun, and I lead the group in many a cheer. However, after 55 min, Jorge had 1/4 of the steak left. But we are all so proud of his attempt and the fact that he kept 50 oz of steak down...Also, I had a friend try some Rocky Mountain Oysters (guys...those aren't oysters!), and I stayed clear of the meat and had a Mango Daquiri

Today we are building in Amarillo, and Im excited! I hope the steak story makes you a proud Texan Uncle Kenny, and Uncle George and Aunt Laura it gives you fond memories of your old home!



Kent said...
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Kent said...

Your friend did a great job. You rode thru the flat part of Texas.....actually almost all of Texas is flat.
sounds like lots of fun. Enjoying the read.
If you had been closer to Houston, I would have been happy to pound some nails with you.
Happy trails. :)
Uncle K