Saturday, July 26, 2008

Aliens, Ailments and okay I cant think of anything else that starts with A

Dear Friends,
The plague has struck B2SB route and its possible that we might not all survive (okay well im being a little dramatic). Today there were 11 out of 31 of us in the van...there seems to be some flu/viral/bug going around. I happen to be one of those 11...I'd been feeling weak two days ago but bike 90 miles anyways, and then slept 12 hours. However, yesterday on our day off I spilled my guts in the afternoon. One of the leaders took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with "Volume Deficiency" or some term like that and sent home to drink fluids (Im mean I know I want to be a doctor but they could have just used lamens terms: dehydration). Anyways, I was able to keep down dinner and breakfast, but only biked 10 miles this morning before hopping in the van.

Even though I (and the group) are low on energy, there are still some highlights: the hills we are passing through in New Mexico are absolutely beautiful...they are green and lush and some people think it looks like Ireland. It was totally unexpected. Also, yesterday in Roswell I did make it to the UFO museum before I started feeling bad...I think either there are aliens out there or the military was definately covering up for some top secret mission. And the final plus, mail drop was two days ago. THANKS to Amanda for sending the HUG (and heres one for you) and mom and dad for the care package...the love from both are helping me through the next couple of days.

Well all for now!
love love love
allie "im sick and still attempting to bike" kossoy

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