Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Best Day Ever

Today may have been the best day yet of bike and's why:

-last night we did group compliments, and so everyone seemed to be in a better mood!
-this morning our hosts gave us FREE breakfast at a really good diner and we got to choose off the menu. I was boring and had oatmeal, but I didn't feel gross later like most of the other riders so it was a good choice.
-we were in KANSAS for 5 MILES!!!! it was FABULOUS! We sang the state song and talked about how great Kansas is and OH it made me SO happy!
-We may or may not have biked naked in Kansas for a bit....
-In Oklahoma we stopped and went swimming in a river. It was cool and SO refreshing.
-A couple of miles in there were huge fields (maybe 1/4 a mile wide) of sunflowers. It was SO beautiful to look and see sunflowers everywhere!
-We had ice cream for lunch (I had soft serve chocolate with hot fudge!)
-We got to Vanita, OK (home of Dr. Phil) with enough time to unwind and relax. I went to the community pool while others went to the biggest McDonalds in the US.

All for now. It was really great to have such a good day after some challenging ones!

Allie "I love Kansas" Kossoy


Unknown said...

Naked or not?

Kent said...

If my calculations are correct, you should be coming upon the Lonestar State. Welcome to Texas!

Uncle Kenny

Halley said...

I'm so glad you had such an excellent day!
Unfortunately, I have super sad bike was stolen out of my parents' garage! I'm so mad! Grrr...

Keep having wonderful days!

Unknown said...

HI Allie,
I love reading your blog and other comments. I did send the donattions from Grandma and Seymour to Bike and Build. 5 miles in Kansas - Yeah!! Keep on riding and having fun. You should have a package from me in Roswell, N. M on the 24th, next Thursday. I plan to mail it today! Love, Mom