Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Tuesday update!

Its hard to decide what to write about, as so much happens each day here (especially since we get up around 5 or 6). We have been riding for four consecutive days, and each day brings more challenges (I try to only focus one day at a time). I have to say yesterday and today were the hardest: yesterday I completed my first century (100 miles!!!!) It was exhausting to say the least, but I'm so proud of myself for doing it! I thought today would be easier, until someone broke the news to me that today we were going to be riding 80 miles (I couldn't believe it). But its fun to take things one hill (I call them mountains) at a time.

Cool things I've seen on the rode:
-actually rode signs are really funny to look at. My favorite are down hill signs but I've seen them for tractors, ducks, cow crossings, you name it!
-did you know there are so many fricking mountains in the north east? We just finished crossing the Appalacians...holly shit that was hard!
-there are lots of ice cream stands and farm stands
-Ive seen two pigs, ducks, horses, rolly pollies, catepillars, badgers, deer, buffalo, hawks, dogs, cats, butterflies...just about everything
-Today at the top of the mountain pass there was a wind turbine park with at least 10 turbines, and when we were biking I could here them circling!
-Yesterday we biked through Amish country! I saw lots of horses and buggies and farms

Random thoughts:
-For me, this trip is not just about social justice in the realm of affordable housing. I think its really important to think about bike safety/cars sharing the road. Three days ago I was bumped (okay or hit) by a car. I only hit the side mirror, but it terrified me. I was also angry because I was on the shoulder. Being on the road all the time makes me realize how ignorant some drivers are about bikers, and how dangerous riding can be.
-Road kill is disgusting. I can now recognize the scent of it before I actually see it...road kill makes me never want to drive a car again...maybe when I grow up Ill be car free (!?).
-Attitude is everything (just like in any sport, or life really!). It really helps to sing or talk on the road, or play games (20 questions)
-I had no idea how beautiful this country is. I also had no idea what PA looked like- there are lots of hills and mountains, but also farmland with corn and cows and such
-No one told me about the Appalacian mountains, the Berkshires, and the Poconos
-Im still unsure where I belong in the riding group. Im not the slowest but not the fastest, it kinda just depends on the day and how much my legs hurt

I've been totally excited because almost every town we stay in, we shower at a Y. Which means theres a pool I can stretch out in, and I always feel at home in any pool!

All for now, theres a line! but thanks for reading my blog, and I just figured out the comment tab, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that people actually read about my adventures!!!



Keith Wolcott said...

My wife and I have enjoyed your posts. It gives us some insight into what your trip is like and how things are going. Keep posting and keep riding. You are doing well!!!

Jane's Father

Halley said...

i LOVE seeing downhill signs while biking! they are the best! i'm glad you share my appreciate now :)

George and Laura said...

We enjoy reading about your adventures daily. It's nice staying in touch and following you across the country. We are proud of you and wish you wide shoulders, flat roads and a painless butt. God bless G & L